Real vegetarian food, served in an imaginary world...

Saturday 15 June 2024


Chop 1 leek finely and fry gently in a little butter until soft.
Boil 4 medium potatoes, chopped.
Mash the potato, then add the leek along with one beaten egg, salt and black pepper and a large handful of grated cheese.
Allow to cool.
Put a mix of fine breadcrumbs and panko breadcrumbs on a plate.
Take scoops of the potato mixture, form into sausage shapes and roll in the breadcrumbs until fully covered.
Chill for at least half an hour.
Spray with oil and place in the air fryer.
Cook at 200˚C for 5 minutes.
Turn carefully and cook for 5 minutes more.

Sunday 28 April 2024


Cut a pack of halloumi into slices.
On a plate, mix 3tbsp plain flour with 1tsp garlic granules and 1tsp paprika.
Place panko breadcrumbs on a separate plate.
In a bowl, beat an egg with 1tbsp milk.
Coat each strip in the flour, place in the egg mix and then roll in the breadcrumbs.
Put on a clean plate and spray with sunflower oil.
Place in the air fryer and cook at 180˚C for 12 minutes, turning half way through.
Serve with dips of your choice, I used sweet chilli sauce and minted yogurt.

Sunday 7 January 2024

Fantasy Veggie Dinner Guest - ZAPHOD BEEBLEBROX

I've been making a lot of journeys lately, by coach and by train, which has made me consider travelling in general. It seems that every station shop has the same vegetarian option (which is, in fact, very tasty). I decided to put my own twist on it and cook it for one of the greatest travellers in the universe. 
Zaphod Beeblebrox, with his two heads and three arms, is possibly Douglas Adams' most impressive creation. Serve with a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.


Serves 4

First make the BEETROOT HOUMOUS (Recipe here.)
Then, make the FALAFEL

Heat 1tbsp olive oil in pan and fry 1 onion, finely chopped, until soft.
Tip into a food processor along with 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed, 1tsp crushed garlic1tsp ground coriander1tsp ground cumin and 3tsp curry powder.
Add a handful of coriander leaves and stalks, 1tbsp plain flour and 1 egg, beaten.
Whizz together well.
Drop spoonfuls of mixture into another tbsp of hot oil and squash into patty shape with back of spoon.
Fry in batches until golden brown and firm, turning regularly. (Makes 12 falafel in total.)

To serve:
Set out 4 wraps.
Assemble all other fillings. I used some pickled cabbage, lettuce, chopped spring onion and caramelised onion chutney.
Spread on a generous amount of beetroot houmous.
Add the other fillings and place falafel on top.
Roll up and tuck the ends in. 
Cut in half.



Makes 2 pies

Defrost 3 balls of frozen spinach.
Place in a food processor with 100g plain flour, 150ml milk and 1 egg, beaten.

Whizz all together well and transfer to a bowl.
Heat a little oil and cook the batter, a ladleful at a time, turning halfway.
Place to one side and repeat with the remaining batter. This should make four pancakes in total.

Make up a pack of flavoured couscous according to packet instructions.
Heat another 1tbsp of oil and gently fry 1 red onion, chopped and 1 yellow pepper, chopped.
Combine with the couscous and allow to cool.
Place the couscous mixture on one side of a pancake.
Fold over (like a pasty). Cut in half.
Lifting carefully, place each inside a round baking tin. Repeat.
Grate 100g cheese. Cover the top of each pie with half of the cheese.
Cook at Gas 7/ 220˚ C for about 15 minutes until the cheese bubbles.
Can be eaten hot or cold. Either serve in the dish...
or, cover with a small plate and turn out.

Saturday 6 January 2024


Start by draining a 400g can of chickpeas over a bowl.
Split the chickpeas in half, using two bowls.

For the CORIANDER HOUMOUS (Make this one first)

Add 2tsp of the reserved liquid, 1tsp chopped garlic, 1tbsp tahini, 1tsp lemon juice and 1tsp olive oil. Sprinkle in 1tsp ground cumin.
Place into the food processor and whizz to combine. 
Add a large handful of fresh coriander, leaves and stalks.
Whizz again until at required texture.
Place in a bowl and wipe out the bowl of the food processor, although you don't need to wash it.
Add 1tbsp of the reserved liquid, 1tbsp tahini and 1tbsp olive oil to the second bowl of chickpeas.
Place in the food processor and whizz to combine.
Add 85g of cooked beetroot from a jar (dry off any extra vinegar).
Whizz again, keeping it a little grainy to give it the right texture.
Serve together for maximum effect.

Saturday 30 December 2023

Fantasy Veggie Dinner Guest - JACK RIMMER

Zelda loves watching school-based programmes. 

Jack Rimmer (played by Jason Merrells) became the new Head Teacher of Waterloo Road at the start of Series 1, back in 2006. 
From the beginning, it was obvious that he would find the job very, very stressful. 
He often (as here) has to repair to his 'other office'.

If he came round to dinner, perhaps after a late staff meeting, Zelda would serve this tasty, spicy mixed plate.



Makes 8

Place 3 quorn sausages (defrosted if frozen) in a food processor with 1 small onion, chopped and a handful of frazzles.
Add 1tsp mild chilli powder, 1tsp ground cumin, 1tsp ground coriander, 1tsp turmeric, a splash of lime juice and a sprinkling of salt and black pepper.
Blitz to a paste and turn out into a bowl.
Use 1tbsp plain flour to coat your hands and then form into ovels and place on a baking tray.
Cook at Gas 8/ 220˚C for 20 minutes, turning halfway.


Slice large potatoes into wedges, keeping the skin on.
Place in a large bowl and coat with 2tbsp olive oil, 1tsp chilli powder,1tsp cumin, 1tsp coriander and 1tsp mixed herbs. Season with salt and black pepper.
Mix together well and leave for at least half an hour.
Heat oven to 200°C/ Gas 6.
Spread wedges out on a baking tray.
Place in the oven on the top shelf. Cook for 15 minutes then turn over.
After 30 minutes, check to see if ready. If not, turn again and cook for another 5 – 10 minutes.


Melt 25g butter in a saucepan and stir in 2tbsp plain flour. Cook through and then add 250ml milk a little at a time, stirring well throughout.

Gradually bring to the boil and stir until it thickens. Then add 65g cheddar cheese, grated.

To serve:
Chop 2 spring onions
and crush another handful of frazzles.
Serve koftas and wedges on a plate, topped with the cheese sauce and accompanied by salsa, spring onions and frazzles (on a tray).